Domain here

DNS service for local IP addresses with TLS/HTTPS support

Domain here - DNS service for local IP addresses with TLS/HTTPS support

What is this about

In one of our projects we faced a problem, that we wanted to connect to websocket on a local network from webpage, that was served from the Internet. In order to use secure web socket connection (wss://) we needed the SSL certificate, but you can't get one for local IP's. The bottomline was that we could not change client machines configuration (no /etc/hosts, no importing of own CA's).

So we came up with the idea, that we could use wildcard SSL certificate and are using localtls as a DNS server and web server and Let's Encrypt for wildcard certs.

SSL certificate for *.Domain here

The real good news is, you can get from us SSL certificate for domain *.Domain here for free :) - here it comes:


This service comes without any guarantee and is provided as-is. We will do our best to keep it working, but we reserve the right to turn it off anytime and without any reason.